Other alternative therapies of massage

Other alternative therapies of massage

Apart from essences, wellness also takes advantage of the benefits of algae and other natural products, such as citrus fruits, chocolate, wine, spices and aromatic herbs. All these materials are applied to the body in the form of wraps, body polish, gels or herbal packs. The musses mixed with paraffin, called “parafangos”, are applied by means of a plastic wrap. The local heat supply exerts a deconstructing, anti-inflammatory and sedative effect. Local paraffin baths are also widely used to improve osteoarticular degeneration. The hands or feet are usually immersed in trays with hot paraffin that forms a film on them.

The benefit on the body will depend on the type of product used.


Natural body peelings can be made based on algae to which vegetable defoliants are added. They can be exfoliating powders of various origins (coconut, chocolate, apricot, Guarani, lotus) or micronized plants and algae: brown algae (focus), blue algae (spiraling), fruits (bitter orange, lemon), ginger, green tea, etc.

The mixture of these powders with water or oil is what is applied to the skin.


It is about the body wrapping with mud, sea mud or plasters of different substances that act, with the help of heat, regulating blood circulation. Hot wraps can come to temperature within 5 min and are maintained during the 20 min treatment by covering the wrap with plastic. Other casings quickly reach a temperature of 40ºC and gradually drop. These wraps help combat osteoarthritis and muscular disorders. Instead, non-heat wraps are generally used more for firming and slimming treatments. Fruits, aromatic herbs or oatmeal are part of many spa pools as body wraps, after completing the water circuit: lemon, bitter orange, orange and grape. They are applied as a mask over the entire body.


Unlike wraps, applying gels to the body does not require showering off. The gels are removed mechanically with a spatula or with a cloth. To facilitate the penetration of the active ingredients contained in the gel, they are applied in a thick layer and the treated area is covered for 20 minutes with plastic.


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Body polish


Salt is the main component of this type of exfoliating treatment. It is mixed with micronized plants and vegetable oil until a paste is obtained that is applied with a damp hand and removed by washing after treatment.


Chocolate is applied to the skin for its well-known nourishing and energizing properties. It is applied in the form of baths, massages and body coverage. Chocolate provides minerals like magnesium and zinc, along with the bromine and vitamins A, B, and E. Chocolate-based cures improve well-being and mental relaxation. Body exfoliation with mud, together with the action of hot, humid steam, is the main characteristic of this healing ceremony of Arab origin, similar to that of the Turkish bath. The wellness ends with a fine rain that falls from the ceiling for a total cleansing and detoxification of the skin.


The well-known antioxidant and rejuvenating capacity of polyphones from grape and wine skins is also used in baths and aesthetic treatments. The benefits of 출장마사지 are obvious: it reduces body tension and stress, increases body circulation and improves emotional and physical well-being.


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For the most demanding and economically powerful, techniques such as immersions in frosty ice, caviar or roses are becoming popular, not to mention the body treatment with 24-carat gold. Even bath water can be imported from the Dead Sea.

Massage and relaxation

Massage has been accepted for centuries by all cultures as a health practice. The benefits of massage are obvious: it reduces body tension and stress, increases body circulation and improves emotional and physical well-being.

Among the best-known massage techniques, shiatsu stands out, which is a manual therapy that comes from the terms shi (finger) and atsu (pressure)? The therapeutic potential of this technique of traditional Chinese medicine was rediscovered by Japanese who developed the current acupressure massage technique to balance the body and mind. The technique follows the same meridian and energy principles as acupuncture and uses the thumbs and palms of the hands to relieve certain aches, pains, and stress and nerve disorders.

Watts (water-shiatsu) is similar to shiatsu, but it is performed in a pool of thermal water and in a state of floating and absolute relaxation. For its part, the loomi-loomi comes from the Hawaiian Islands and is a rhythmic massage that gives the recipient a deep sense of fluidity.

To relax the mind, various techniques are followed, from aromatherapy to music therapy, as well as other techniques of Eastern and Arabic influence.


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